Quick Translate - Privacy Policy

Last updated: 17/01/2025

This is where you can describe the policy for your Chrome extension. Include any terms, conditions, and privacy information that users should be aware of.


For the purposes of this Privacy Policy:

- Application means the software program provided by the Company downloaded by You on any electronic device, named "Quick Translate - AI Learning Assistant".
- Company (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to "Quick Translate - AI Learning Assistant".
- Device means any device that can access the Service such as a computer, a cellphone or a digital tablet.
- Personal Data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.
- Service refers to the Application.
- You means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.

Data Use

User activity

For example: network monitoring, clicks, mouse position, scroll, or keystroke logging

- We just detect the text you are reading and translate it to your language.
- We also detect your mouse position & click event to display translated text in correct position.
- We just detect it when you use it and do not store it anywhere.
- We use Google Analytics to track the number of users and the number of times the extension is used. It is default analytics service of Google.

Website content

For example: text, images, sounds, videos, or hyperlinks

- We stored the translated text in your browser's local storage.
- We do not use the remote server or anything to collect & store any data in our side.

Data Sharing

- We do not share any data about the websites you visit. We do not share any information about the websites you visit.

Children's Privacy

Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13. If You are a parent or guardian and You are aware that Your child has provided Us with Personal Data, please contact Us. If We become aware that We have collected Personal Data from anyone under the age of 13 without verification of parental consent, We take steps to remove that information from Our servers.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update Our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify You of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. We will let You know via email and/or a prominent notice on Our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the "Last updated" date at the top of this Privacy Policy. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us by email hungf.hp@gmail.com